
2010-06-11 7:07 am
1>請問prepositions如果用係星期.日期.月份時.應該用邊D?例如我忘記了應該用on sunday掟係at sunday...請賜教.
ex:09:09am.09:27am.09:37am.09:51am...please how to write it ?

回答 (2)

2010-06-11 5:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. day/date: use on, e.g. on Monday, on Sunday, on 8th June, 2010
Months: use in, e.g. in January, in March
year: use in, e.g. in 2010
2. 是的
加減乘除的加法有plus及and./ add... to.減法有 deduct....from及minus.乘法有times及multiply...by.除法有divided....by及 divides...into..
佢地各自有兩種字法, 是可以隨便用 , 想用plus就用plus.想用and又得.."等於"既可以用be..又可以用make又可以用equal來表示..
3. 09:09 = nine past nine in the morning
09:27 = nine twenty seven in the morning.
09:37 am = nine thirty seven in the morning/ twenty-three minutes to ten in the morning
09:51 = nine fifty one in the morning/ nine minutes to ten in the morning
2010-06-20 3:08 am
1) prepositions如果用係星期/日期= on ( e.g. on Saturday, on 9th of March)
prepositions如果用係月份: in (e.g. in October, in November)
參考: Exercise

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