英文問題 ,, 4個 ( 20分)

2010-06-11 3:25 am

1) research 應該 用 do 定 conduct?
有人話用do 係港式英文,, 正確應該用conduct,, 想知應該邊個比較好
2) persist 同 insist 2個都係堅持,, 咁其他有冇分別?
3) vi 同 vt 既分別係咩? 我查字典個陣睇到,, 但都唔係好明
4) 堅持己見英文應該點講?

問題有d多,, 唔該哂!

回答 (3)

2010-06-11 7:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)通常一般用語就應寫或說 to make a research就很適當了, to conduct a
research 沒有錯, 但比較有點隆重其事。 To do a research 需也勉強說得
通是文法上沒錯,但措辭方面欠佳,確像由中文'做一項研究' 的直譯出來一樣。
2)persist和insist同有堅持的意思, 但persist是用在時間長及繼續性强的固執
意見或行為而insist 一般是指較暫短的堅持, 兩字的用例如下:
a)These treaditional customs have persisted for thouands of years.
b)He persists in his refusal to apologize.
c)He insisted on his point in the meeting.
d)She insists that I should go to her party tonight.
3)在字典上vi 是transitive verb(及物動詞),vi 是intrsnsitive verb(不及物動詞 )
的簡號。transitive解作傳遞(passing over)而intransitive解作(not passing
A Transitive Verb is a Verb that defines an action which passes over from
the doer(做動作者) or Subject(主詞) to an object(受詞或叫賓詞), whereas
An Intransitive Verb is a Verb that defines an action which does not pass
over to an object.兩者例句如下:
a)The boys kick the ball.(ball就是受詞了)
b) He eats the cake.(cake就是受詞了)
a)The boy laughs loudly.(沒有受詞)
b)Mary sings beautifully.(沒有受詞)
4)堅持己見可寫作'to insist on ones (own) point of view.括弧中的own字可要可不要,要就加强了句子的語調。 如He insists on his own point of view., 或說He insists on his point of view., 甚至再簡化到 He insists on his point. 就可以了。
參考: nil
2010-06-11 7:01 pm
1. "conduct" is more suitable.
2. "insist" is more familiar.
3. Sorry, I haven't seen these two words.
4. You should insist your own opinion.
2010-06-11 4:19 am
1. "Research" should be gone with "conduct".
Definitely, "conduct" is the best choice.

2.Insist can be used with on and also a that clause as in: I insist that you keep quiet/I insist on your silence. In both cases it means that you are quite clear in telling somebody what they must do. Persist is usually followed by in and means continue doing something although other people don't like you doing it.

3.vi : intransitive verb 不及物動詞 vt: transitive verb 及物動詞
Transitive verb means a verb which should be followed by a subject/object
whereas intransitive verb needs not.

4. hold on to my own belief / persist in my views.

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