揾店舖砌機oem , 係咪應該有碟跟?

2010-06-11 12:27 am
揾店舖砌咗部機, 有win7HomePremium oem, 係咪應該有碟跟? 我有朋友竟然同我講話呢個係一隻碟可以有好多個license, 裝落好多部機度果種, 隻碟係唔可以dub可俾我嘅, 所以個舖頭無碟跟俾我, 係正常嘅. 而家我自己加咗其他d軟件落去之後, 唔知點解無咗一個dll file, 間舖頭叫我托部機去佢哋度俾佢地再從新幫我裝過! 我要得唐七樓啊! 梗係最好唔好啦, 但係佢哋無跟碟俾我, 我其實係咪可以要求番佢哋俾番隻碟我架?

回答 (3)

2010-06-11 1:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果閣下購買了 win7HomePremium oem, 就一定要問店鋪取回 windows光碟!

***如果新電腦的單據內沒有包含win7HomePremium oem字眼,閣下應該向店鋪查詢,因為有可能系俾左錢而人地幫你裝左老翻windows!
2010-06-15 12:42 am
2010-06-11 1:02 am
For DIY machine OEM Windows Operating system license there have couple way to get your OS.

They can sell you a OS license without the media (which mean no CD) but they still need to pass you a PACK (yellow envelop) from microsoft which included a "Serial number" CARD and you can valid your OS from the internet use the serial number attached on the CARD.

If the shop haven't pass you that card you might be using illegal copy of operating system and if you did paid a money and list it on the invoice. You 100% need to ask them give you the proper thing.

Thats how they capture profit to install a illegal copy of operating system and bill to client without the proper service provide.

Hope the information help!


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