participle phrase一問

2010-06-11 12:00 am
While we were waiting for the file to begin , we ate some pop corn.

The children were amazed by the fireworks.They children really happy.

回答 (4)

2010-06-11 12:36 am
✔ 最佳答案
participle phrase

While we were waiting for the film to begin , we ate some pop corn. 轉為:
Waiting for the film to begin, we ate some pop corn.Eating some pop corn, we waited for the film to begin.
The children were amazed by the fireworks.The children were really happy.轉為:
Amazed by the fireworks, the children were really happy.The children, amazed by the fireworks, were really happy.

2010-06-10 16:44:51 補充:
waiting for the film to begin(等着電影開場),不是waiting for the file to begin。
They children really happy.應是The children were really happy.
第一句轉為 Eating some pop corn, we waited for the film to begin.(我們吃着爆谷等電影開場。)比Waiting for the film to begin, we ate some pop corn.(我們等着電影開場吃爆谷。)意思合理一些。
2010-06-11 9:02 am

2010-06-11 2:05 am
三部曲, 跟住轉:

1) 其實兩句都係首先將共同主角先抽出來:
第一句: we
第二句: the children

2) 跟住將主角放comma 之後:
......................., we ate some popcorn.
........................, the children were really happy.

3) 跟住睇返句子用既動詞, 如果佢係主動式, 用 ing 開頭:
While we were waiting...--> Waiting for the film to begin, we ate some popcorn.

如果原句動詞係被動式或係形容詞, 用 PP form 開頭:
The children were amazed..--> Amazed by the fireworks, the children were really happy.

參考: 我係英文老師
2010-06-11 12:25 am
"Participle phrase” 意即以 “participle” (present participle / past participle) 開頭造成短句。因此,可把句子轉為:

1) While we were waiting for the file to begin , we ate some pop corn.

-> Waiting for the file to begin, we ate some pop corn.
Or While waiting for the file to begin, we ate some pop corn.

2) The children were amazed by the fireworks.They children really happy.
-> Amazed by the fireworks, the children were really happy.
參考: 個人知識

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