
2010-06-10 9:34 pm

回答 (4)

2010-06-11 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
如果你發熱氣, 就算你用稀釋鹽水漱口
用白兔膏, 舌頭被咬傷變成痱滋都唔會自然痊癒

由於發熱氣, 口腔黏膜腫脹, 容易咬損條脷
你要清除身體的熱毒, 才容易好番
1.適量食龜苓膏, 飲涼茶, 菊花茶, 夏枯草茶都有助清熱解毒
2.有時缺乏Vitamin B complex 都會生痱滋
3.每日飲八杯水, 瓜菜湯, 食蔬果, 對你都有幫助
2010-06-14 10:03 pm
參考: 電台和個人經驗
2010-06-11 8:02 pm
since you did rinse your mouth with dilute salt water. Any wound inside the mouth will take at least couple days, if your wound is serious, it will take even longer and feel more pain. You have to rinse your mouth after you ate and you have be careful not to eat or drink anything is too hot, cool stuff is better. You even can use "Listerine" mouth wash to rinse you mouth, it will help cure. If the wound still in deep pain, you better check with the doctor.
2010-06-10 10:12 pm
go to see doctor La

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