Is this normal?????????????

2010-06-10 3:31 am
Okay so im only 15 but i reallly reeeally like this guy and we have known eachother since we were like 5 and we have been best friends for the past years. but now we are more then friends and i looove being around him and he allways makes me laugh but i was wondering do you think that it is normal that even when im with my best friends im still thinking about him and i would rather be with him? and we have been yuh no more then friends for like 8 months or so and is till get butterflies everytim im with him and he kisses me or even just when im hugging him... but im only 15?!!! i feel like one of those stupid little kids that shouldnt be feelling this?
so my question is is that normal all together?
and is it wierd that i allways wanna be with him even when im with my best friends i would rather be with him,??? thanks! best answere 10 points!! hehe

回答 (13)

2010-06-10 3:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
its totally normal sweetie (:
just calm down and just let things happen.
your never too young to fall for someone.
especially since your getting older
& you see guys more than just friends.
an the butterflies are just a sign you really like him.
don't try to look too much into this,
let nature take its course.
-goodluck! :D, hope it helped
2010-06-10 10:44 am
it is normal when you find someone important to you its only natural to want to be with them all the time ---- think of when/if you get married --- you see them for pretty much all the time --- in their good times and their bad times and you dont think ooohhh i should be with my friends more ---- they are your best friend (or should be) ---- best wishes
2010-06-10 10:40 am
I agree with the others. you are a normal 15 year old young lady. be happy and enjoy this time of your life. :)
2010-06-10 10:38 am
Yeah of course ... age is no barrier :)
2010-06-10 10:38 am
That's easy, Of course it's not!

Everyone finds their significant other at different times, many people actually marry their high school sweethearts. It's not 'weird' to want to be with someone, it's completely normal when you find your someone. I encourage you not to get discouraged if people shake their finger at you because of your age, everyone has someone for them and no one finds them at the same time! Some will find theirs in school, some will find theirs as adults.. some will find theirs after being heartbroken and some will date one person and know they're the one!

So your answer: Completely.

Hope all goes well, good luck!
2010-06-10 10:36 am
Of course it's normal for you to feel this way. Many relationships start off as two people whom are just friends, and the bond blooms into an incredibly future. Your age has nothing to do with how you feel about someone (don't let anyone tell you otherwise).

I am currently in a relationship with someone I've been with since I was 17, and I've known everyday since he's the only one i'd ever want to be with.

Just remember, your friendship should ALWAYS go before a relationship with a person.. Sometimes, things don't work out but in the end I'm sure you'd want that boy to stand by your side, especially since you've been friends for so long.

Good luck :)
參考: <3
2010-06-10 10:35 am
It's totally normal to like someone! By the way you're putting it, it seems like that you really do like him! This is absolutely normal! If he likes you to the point he kisses and hugs you, you two may as well be a couple! I have a feeling it'll go a long way since the best couples are usually two extremely good friends who absolutely love each other!
2010-06-10 10:35 am
Aw, now I feel like a slut, Ive been liking guys since I was about 5 LOL, but yeah Its totally normal.
2010-06-10 10:32 am
so you kiss and stuff but your not going out, hmmmm go out on a few dates and if it works out then props
2010-06-10 10:34 am
Yur hormones are out of wack. wait till u get ur period and if u still feel this way that means u probably should ask him on a date or whatever u kids do these days. then just have sex with him.

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