will chicken, duck, or turtle eggs hatch in heated water?

2010-06-10 3:12 am

回答 (5)

2010-06-10 3:16 am
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No. Eggs actually exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide with the environment through microscopic pores in the surface of the egg. Eggs that are submerged in water can't exchange gasses at a reasonable rate, so essentially the embryos drown. ...hope this helps!
參考: This topic is covered in one of the bio courses I teach.
2010-06-10 7:00 pm
There are microscopic pores in the egg shell for breathing. Submerging an egg in water will drown the embryo even though the temperature is adequate.
2010-06-10 3:15 am
Not it will become a hard boiled egg. Sorry... yet delicious.
2010-06-10 5:59 am
They would do much better just in a warm box, or in the case of the turtle eggs, in warm sand.
2010-06-10 4:08 am
I doubt it. It sounds like you are gonna hard-boil the egg which would definitely kill the animal inside

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