✔ 最佳答案
1.I look forward to seeing you.
look forward to (=盼望,期待), 這裡的"to" 用作preposition, 所以後個用gerund (+ing)
2.Did you see Mary after she has played in the park?
其實冇得選的情況, 我先選 has played, 因為 plays 係現在式, 即係佢每天習慣在公園玩, 同 did you see 唔同意思.
Playing 一定錯, 因為英文一定唔會講she playing. ING動詞前一定有verb-to-be(is/am/are/was/were/will be/has/have/had been)
但has played 既 tense 都唔係咁岩, 因為 has played 係現在完成式,即係話 Mary 已在公園玩完, 但冇指明時間, 但問題開頭用 past tense 問, 講既係過去既事 (有指明時間), 所以兩個 tense 通常唔會咁樣放埋一齊.
我認為答案應為: Did you see Mary after she had played in the park?
HAD PLAYED 係過去完成式, 即係將 'see' 同 'played' 比較先後, 發生先用 had played, 發生後用 did you see
3.We went to Mai Po to watch the birds fly.
用 fly, 因為前面有 watch 呢個字. 這類叫感官動詞 (verbs of sensation), 其他例子有: see, look at, watch, smell, hear, listen to, feel, notice...
呢類動詞後, 可加bare infinitive (動詞不變) 或 gerund (+ing), 但意思唔同:
1) We saw him cross the road. (你睇到佢整個過路的過程)
2) We saw him crossing the road. (你睇到佢過緊馬路)