
2010-06-10 3:36 am
1.I look forward to _________ you.

2.Did you see mary after she _________ in the park?
A.has played

3.We went to Mai Po to watch the birds ___________________.


回答 (7)

2010-06-10 6:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.I look forward to seeing you.
look forward to (=盼望,期待), 這裡的"to" 用作preposition, 所以後個用gerund (+ing)

2.Did you see Mary after she has played in the park?
其實冇得選的情況, 我先選 has played, 因為 plays 係現在式, 即係佢每天習慣在公園玩, 同 did you see 唔同意思.

Playing 一定錯, 因為英文一定唔會講she playing. ING動詞前一定有verb-to-be(is/am/are/was/were/will be/has/have/had been)

但has played 既 tense 都唔係咁岩, 因為 has played 係現在完成式,即係話 Mary 已在公園玩完, 但冇指明時間, 但問題開頭用 past tense 問, 講既係過去既事 (有指明時間), 所以兩個 tense 通常唔會咁樣放埋一齊.

我認為答案應為: Did you see Mary after she had played in the park?
HAD PLAYED 係過去完成式, 即係將 'see' 同 'played' 比較先後, 發生先用 had played, 發生後用 did you see

3.We went to Mai Po to watch the birds fly.
用 fly, 因為前面有 watch 呢個字. 這類叫感官動詞 (verbs of sensation), 其他例子有: see, look at, watch, smell, hear, listen to, feel, notice...

呢類動詞後, 可加bare infinitive (動詞不變) 或 gerund (+ing), 但意思唔同:

1) We saw him cross the road. (你睇到佢整個過路的過程)
2) We saw him crossing the road. (你睇到佢過緊馬路)

參考: 我係英文老師
2010-06-10 9:44 pm

順便一提,第二題,三個答案都錯,正如Chris所講,應該用past perfect tense”had played”,但因為after, before等連接詞已經清楚交代先後關係,因此也可以用簡單過去式,所以,若你答案有played時,你也可以揀這個
2010-06-10 5:47 am
1. B. seeing (We always use a gerund after the phrase "look forward to")
2. A. has played (Indeed, the most suitable answer is "had played" since Mary played first and then you saw her or not)
3. A. fly (We use a bare infinitive after the verb "watch")
2010-06-10 4:52 am
1. seeing
to= preposition-----after preposition we use gerund
2.has played
( she plays in the park ) is before the action ( see ).
but actually, I think the answer should be *had played*
First, flies is impossible, *birds* is plural
flew, i don't no how to explain it.SORRY
also, I think the answer should be flying as *watch* in this sentence is bare
infinity. After bare infinity, we should use gerund

2010-06-09 20:54:25 補充:
*bare infinty* change to *bare infinitive*
參考: me
2010-06-10 4:48 am
1 A

DID past tense

no time has written out, present tense

hope it can help you!
參考: ME
2010-06-10 3:56 am
1/a, 2/a, 3/c

good luck!!!
2010-06-10 3:39 am
我比msn 你:[email protected] sd比我,我教你

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