be wearing jeans??????10分

2010-06-10 3:05 am
He's a bit long in the tooth to be wearing jeans, don't you think?
句中的 wearing jeans為何用ing form?

回答 (6)

2010-06-24 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
long in the tooth = (humorous, especially in the UK) old or too old 老朽
1.He's a bit long in the tooth to be wearing jeans.
2. He's a bit long in the tooth to wear jeans,
They are both correct but they are used in different contexts.

What is passive voice?
When changing from active voice to passive voice, the pattern should remain unchanged, i..e sentence to sentence, qustion to question. Therefore, answers provided by 001 should not be considered. The answers provided by 002 are generally good but there are some mis-concepts in grammar. Typical example is:

3) Do people be arrested by the police for littering? (Correct answer: Are people arrested by the police for littering?) Answer 5 and 11 are also wrong.

In questions or negative sense, do or does is used to indicate singular or plural form but not for passive invoice. For example,

Do they enjoy the film? She does not like the film.

To change from active voice to passive voice is very easy by following the rule. They key is verb to be (is/am/are; was/were; may/should/must ... + be; has/have +been) must be used, 'by ' must be used as a connecting word, the time pattern should remain unchanged (i.e. simple past to simple past, past perfect to past perfect, etc.) and the position of subject and object must be interchanged. Examples are :-

A dog barked at me. I was barked by a dog (or it).
I have completed the job. The job have been completed by me.
We should finish the assignment by tomorrow. The assignment should be finished by us by tomorrow.
Did you watch this film yesterday? Was the film watched by you yesterday?
Have you visited Paris before? Has Paris been visited by you before?
I shall visit the Ocean Park tomorrow. The Ocean Park shall be visited by me tomorrow.
Peter must obey the order. The order must be obeyed by Peter (or him).
I had lost this toy. This toy had been lost by me.
I have studied the living pattern of panda since 2005. The living pattern of panda has been studied by me since 2005.

2010-06-11 12:56 pm
> 用wear得唔得?

文法上,得的。樓上講的都成立,不過在這一句中並不重要。這句用 wear 定 wearing 重點並不在時間、見不見到等。

用 wearing 是一個修詞手法。留意句子擺明是三姑六婆在評頭品足,很生動和很生活化的。用 wearing -ing 是配合這氣氛的,有「居然」的感覺。像中文加了「響度」:


也是加了「響度 -ing」修詞手法 :-)


2010-06-10 7:48 am

2010-06-10 4:17 am
long in the tooth = (humorous, especially in the UK) old or too old 老朽
1.He's a bit long in the tooth to be wearing jeans.
2. He's a bit long in the tooth to wear jeans,
They are both correct but they are used in different contexts.

1. to be doing something= the speaker is present in a place, commenting what somebody is doing, or what they are wearing 講者出席某場合,就當時所見描述各人所作所為等 .It is a present continuous tense usage.表示講者看現.那男子穿著牛仔褲, 但覺得不順眼。

2. to do something = just a general comment 表示一般意見.,並沒有看見他穿著牛仔褲。
2010-06-10 3:52 am
may ming:
He's a bit long in the tooth to be wearing jeans, don't you think?
這句子中用be wearing代替wear有兩個可能原因, 第一個是在說這句話時已看到該年長人穿著着牛仔褲。第二個是用'be wearing" to add an emphatic effect to the sentence.
若句子寫作He's a bit long in the tooth to wear jeans----? 也一樣沒錯, 只是語調就沒有那麽强了。
參考: nil
2010-06-10 3:19 am

Progressive forms: TO BE + PRESENT PARTICIPLE.

用法: To describe actions already in progress at the moment "in focus" within the sentence.

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