無限公司轉名 及 稅務問題

2010-06-09 10:11 pm
無限公司係未無得轉名? 要先結束舊公司之後開一間同名嘅公司才算轉名? 咁BR號碼就一樣了! 咁間公司個銀行account 及債項怎算?


稅務方面又怎填? 2位都要填?

暫時比較只急需轉名, 找人處理定係自己做好呢?

回答 (4)

2010-06-10 6:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, You can make a change of the business name. More details in http://www.ird.gov.hk/eng/tax/bre_cbp.htm#2 you can just fill in the form
IRC 3110A.
As there is a change in business name, there will be no change in the BR no. If there are changes in proprietor or partners, just inform it to IRD. To ensure a smooth running, you can change the status of the firm from a sole proprietor to partnership with the admission of a new partner. And, of course, you can make a change from partnership to sole proprietor upon the withdrawal of the old partner. Of course, any changes in the status will means the needs for the change in tax assessment- sole proprietorship vs. partnership.
2010-06-10 2:17 pm
2010-06-10 8:36 am

Email : [email protected]

Tel : 3971 8935 / 3971 8936

Address : Units 1002-1003, 10/F., Kowloon Building, 555 Nathan Road, Mongkok, Kowloon

Website : http://www.ansing.com.hk/

*** 現凡選用任何服務, 均可享有原價85折優惠!! 優惠期至2010年9月30日止
2010-06-09 11:41 pm
這是賣衫喎...我需要無限公司轉名 及 稅務問題!!!別玩啦!!!

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