
2010-06-09 9:29 pm
本人20歲, 06係香港讀完中五, 會考得2分(syb A 拎e)同商業兩科各一分,這4年係職訓局讀完2個短期既酒店(front office)證書course, 而家係某大hotel做kitchen(靚仔位), 想趁自己仲有心讀書,所以想係1月去讀番grade12,之後上u,有親戚加拿大toronto既scarborough,報左TOEFL係7月頭考.

1. 我想知如果我以上既情況我可唔可以入到grade12 ?
2. 係咪要讀private先得, 抑或public & private都唔會收呢?(因聽人講有年齡限制)
3. 如果兩樣都收邊類學校會岩我d, 學費方面private會貴幾多?( 因自己真係唔係好多錢)
4. 有無d咩岩我既學校 & sugguest可以比到我?
5. 仲有佢果邊既high school 同 secondary school & Collegiate Institute有咩分別?

我已睇過有關係果邊讀書既資料, 因全部係英文, 所以有d都唔係好明
真係好迷茫, 唔該幫幫手, 十萬個thxxxxxxx

回答 (3)

2010-06-10 1:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
我依加係响加拿大住,不過唔係响多倫多,而係溫哥華。我十幾歲就跟屋企移民,我黎到果時係15歲,由於我是移民,所以我係讀public的。您既情況應該不可以讀public high school,因您已超齡。我問了拿VISA來讀書的朋友,您應該可以入私立的學校讀grade 12,學費方面大概幾千蚊加幣一個semester。
high school 同 secondary school 無分別。collegiate Institute响度好少聽,通常呢度既專上學院叫 college而已,大學响加拿大通常叫university。


2010-06-09 23:22:12 補充:
您可以嘗試默默祈禱讓神帶領您的前路,我也會為您禱告。願主耶穌幫助和賜褔您。take care
2010-06-19 12:41 pm

1 視乎個別學校, 你情況入十一班多數冇問題, 十二班亦有機會, 因為你有20歲, 學校唔希望你讀得太低班, 因年齡問題. 我亦提議你向十二班入手, 希望你英文程度有咁上下, 因為得一年時間你就要入大學.

2 加拿大有年齡歧視, public 同 private 都係一樣

3 學費方面兩者都差唔多, 除非你要入高級豪華私立學校, 否則兩者冇大分別

4 Scarborough 大把學校, 相信你親戚會介紹, 有比較出名嘅公校, 亦有差不多全大陸學生嘅 Midland Collegiate, 問吓你親戚就知.

5 三種叫法都係中學冇分別. 計程車, 的士, 出租汽車都係 taxi. 冇分別.
2010-06-17 8:37 am
you are 20 years old, but still happy to know you looking for better education.

yes, you can try to find a high school to take you for grade 12th. ( age 21st is last call ) even you can not find one, you still can take high school courses in some community colleges OR private study center to contiue the high school ( if you passed the high school exam and receive the diploma ).

i beleive because your English level, you may stay in 12th grade for 2 years. but that is nobody care what age you finished your high school here, people are very open minded in Western Country in the view of education. so don't feel bad about that.

i suggest you look for high school program in the local community college, that will be easier for you to get student visa and less emaressment study with those young kids in high school class.

sorry i can only write English here, you can use dictionery.....

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