how to move files from a desktop to a laptop without physically touching my desktop mouse?

2010-06-09 3:03 am
I have seen my friend did that once but he wouldn't teach me.

I'm trying to connect my laptop to my desktop so that i don't have to walk back and forth from one computer to the next when i'm in the living room but still able to move the files from my desktop with my laptop. Does anyone know how that works?

回答 (2)

2010-06-09 3:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
use "REMOTE DESKTOP" under Proograms then accessories
2016-10-20 1:57 pm
Tab to go with report ctrl + x to cut back tab to new folder ie "my record's hit enter tab to song hit enter to open" ctrl + v to stick ctrl + letter key potential carry the two down at comparable time

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