I have a couple unpaid bills from when i was a teen, my 7 years is up next summer, should I pay it off or wait?

2010-06-08 9:59 pm
I have a couple of unpaid bills, one for electricity and one for a gas bill, from my first year of college. It will be 7 years next summer. Should I pay them off or wait it out? Will my credit score remain the same either way? If my credit score is not going to change by me paying it off now, I think i'll just wait the 7 years. Thanks!

回答 (4)

2010-06-08 10:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Paying off derogatory items won't improve your score. The damage is done and will remain for the balance of the 7 year reporting period, whether paid, settled, or unpaid.

At this point, just let them age off. They really have very little impact on your score -- the older an item, the less the impact.
參考: BD
2010-06-09 5:17 am
The utility company will keep the billing in record and can still claim the payment after seven years or longer. There is a chance that it may come up in future application for utility service.

Concerning the credit score, it makes very little difference now whether you pay off the bill or not. The impact of the unpaid bill on credit score gradually fades.
2010-06-09 7:15 am
The debts drop off your credit reports in 7.5 years. However, they will remain in the utility company's records. If you even want service from those utilities agains, you'll have a problem.
2010-06-09 5:02 am
i think u should pay them because i know some one who got evicted from not paying their bills

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