驅蚊器 有用嗎

2010-06-09 5:19 am
我想買 BUG SCARE 德國驅蚊器,

睇傳單話可以 驅蚤,蟑螂,蚊 ,小昆蟲..等等


有無更好介紹 又平又好用的.


回答 (2)

2010-06-09 5:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
oI tried one, but forgot the brand name, bought it at Jusco around $200 to $300,
I am not sure if it works for all insects. I place it near some small flies and
insects, they have no response.

For mosquito, coil is good but it smells
For flies, tape is good but it looks ugly
For cockroach , house is good but it looks ugly

all cheaper than electronic devices
2010-06-10 7:44 am

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