past participle 問題

2010-06-09 2:30 am
since the pandas in the reserve are well looked after , they live longer than pandas in the wild

點轉past participle

回答 (5)

2010-06-10 12:27 am
只有004做得比較接近正確,句頭要加being因為are looked after是被動式,改變後仍要維持是被動式的。但是他只是改為present praticiple,所以你是要把主句的tense轉埋做past tense。

Being well looked after, pandas lived longer in the reserve than in the wild.

我同時間把兩次出現的panda化為一個主角,把in the reserve對比in the wide結合來寫。如果擔心改得太多會錯,可以:

Being will looked after, the pandas in the reserve lived longer than the pandas in the wild.
2010-06-09 5:33 am
Since the pandas in the reserve had been looked after well, they could live longer than pandas in the wild.
2010-06-09 4:40 am
Being well looked after in the reserve, the pandas live longer than pandas in the wild.
2010-06-09 3:11 am
這句的past participle是' Since the pandas in the reserve were well looked
after, they lived longer than pandas(或用those代替pandas) in the wild. '
參考: nil
2010-06-09 3:08 am
past participle structure:
Well-looked after in the reserve, the pandas live longer than those in the wild.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 16:15:29
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