how to do it?? passive voice

2010-06-08 8:31 pm
1.They will buy three air-tickets to Europe.

2.The girl is feeding a kitten.

3.Our English teacher announced the result of the writing competition.

4.The police have stopped a taxi.

5.The supermarket reduces some food prices.

回答 (6)

2010-06-08 11:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
passive voice 不變的定律: be + PP

1. Three tickets to Europe will be bought by them.

2. A kitten is being fed by the girl.

3. The result of the writing competition was announced by our English teacher.

4. A taxi has been stopped by the police.
(呢題小心雙單數, POLICE 用have, 但一架的士用has)

5. Some food prices are reduced by the supermarket.
參考: 我係英文老師
2010-06-09 8:16 am

2010-06-08 11:54 pm
1. Three air-tickets to Europe have been bought by them.

2. A kitten is fed by the girl.

3. The result of the writing competition was announced by our English teacher.

4. A taxi have been stopped by the police.

5. Some food prices are reduced by the supermarket.

2010-06-08 15:55:20 補充:
Sorry, typing mistake on 4. It should read as:

4. A taxi has been stopped by the police.
2010-06-08 9:04 pm
1. Three air-tickets to Europe will be bought by them.

2. A kitten is being fed by the girl.

3. The result of the writing competition was announced by our English teacher.

4. A taxi have been stopped by the police.

5. Some food prices are reduced by the supermarket.

2010-06-08 14:24:48 補充:
Correction : 4. A taxi has been stopped by the police.
2010-06-08 8:59 pm
1) Three air-tickets to Europe will be bought by them.
2) A kitten is being fed by the girl.
3) The result of the writing competition was announced by our English
4) A taxi has been stopped by the police.
5) Some food prices were reduced by the suppermarket.

2010-06-08 13:05:28 補充:
I am sorry, No.5) should be ' Some food prices are reduced by the suppermarket.'
參考: nil, nil
2010-06-08 8:55 pm
1. Three air-tickets to Europe will be bought by them.

2. A kitten is fed by the girl.

3. The result of the writing competition was announced by our English teacher.

4. A taxi is stopped by the police.

5. Some food prices are reduced by the supermarket.
參考: my homework

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