English grammar

2010-06-08 6:55 pm
Please read below sentences, why sometimes we use "in" for a place but sometimes we use "at"?

in a Chinese restaurant vs. at a fast food shop in Central

in Central vs. at Central

We had lunch in a Chinese restaurant at three o'clock.

We had dinner at a fast food shop in Central.

We arrived at Central at ten o'clock.

回答 (4)

2010-06-08 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
"In" implies a place.
But,"at" implies a certain place.

In the sentences above, "at"should be followed by "the + place".
Also, I suggest you noticing those phrasal verbs like "arrive at".
It is a fixed collocaion which you have to bear (it) in mind since it reminds
you a certain place.
2010-06-09 8:18 am


2010-06-09 6:19 am
如果是較大地方用 in 較細的用 at 那應該用什麼原則去解釋以下兩句, Chinese restaurant 和 fast food shop 同是較細的地方, 那為什麼一個用 in 另一個用 at ?

We had lunch in a Chinese restaurant at three o'clock.

We had dinner at a fast food shop in Central.
2010-06-08 7:47 pm
通常大地方 (例如國家, 城市) 用 IN
in China, in Hong Kong, in Tai Po

較細地方 (例如餐廳, 戲院, 銀行...) 用AT
at the cinema, at the bank, at the bus stop

1) 如果講鐵路沿線, 地方一般用返AT
the train will not call at Shatin (火車不停沙田站)

2) 如要強調在建築物裡面, 用IN
I saw John in the library last night (圖書館內)
但: Let's meet at the library (maybe outside the library, or somewhere near the library)

2010-06-12 20:19:34 補充:
其實兩句都可以用 in 或 at.
我所指較大既地方, 例子有國家 (in China), 區域 (in Mongkok)
較細既地方, 可以係其他 (at the restaurant, at the library...)
參考: 我係英文老師

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