Olympus E-PL1 Micro 4/3 轉接環

2010-06-08 9:16 am
除左O記自己的鏡頭, 仲有咩品種4/3鏡岩E-PL1?
要另外加裝咩轉接環? 轉接環大約幾錢?
轉用其它品牌鏡後會有咩野FUNCTIONS用唔到呢? 例如自動對焦,光圈等等...

回答 (1)

2010-06-08 9:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Micro 4/3 have many different kinds of 轉接環, but all of them (except 4/3) have no af. also, you can only use m mode when you use 轉接環. some 轉接環have aperture control inside the轉接環 so you can still control the aperture with a real aperature ring. if you really want to buy a 天涯鏡, you must be careful because m43 have to x2 but most lens is for apsc.

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