UK Boarding School
以下 UK boarding school, 哪一間較好及校風樸實呢? 哪一間較少香港人?
1. Ockbrook School
2. Rye St Antony School for Girls
3. Wychwood School for Girls
4. Talbot Heath School for Girls
5. Howell's School for Girls
6. The Royal High School for Girls
7. Thornton College
回答 (3)
there is less than 20 HK people in Talbot Heath School:D
Thanks! Do you know Wychwood School for Girls and Talbot Heath School for Girls, which one is better? Which one facilities is good? thank you!!
Howell's School for Girls 40 / 212
The Royal High School for Girls 22 / 630
Thornton College 49 / 374
2010-07-12 20:17:40 補充:
校名 香港人人數
Ockbrook School (The Midlands) 幾多(冇實際既數目)/500
Rye St Antony School for Girls(Oxfordshire) 幾多(...)/362
Wychwood School for Girls(Oxfordshire) 12 / 151
Talbot Heath School for Girls (Sorry,查唔到,如有我馬上補充返)
收錄日期: 2021-04-27 18:57:29
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