What would you do if you were God?

2010-06-06 9:09 am

回答 (19)

2010-06-06 9:11 am
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destroy religion, cure all diseases, end war, stop pain and suffering, end world hunger
2010-06-06 9:13 am
Cause giant storms and natural disasters and watch humans try to survive them.
2010-06-06 9:13 am
I would do exactly what God is doing right now, whatever that is.
2010-06-06 9:26 am
Study the principle in Bible, to know how the God REACTs, know how the God do works, know how the God take control on the earth, know how the God the way to speak. Of course the man should pursuit to be likeness og Jesus, that we can know much the character about God.

We cannot be God as we are men on earth. As the God in heaven, He take controls on His earth!!!
2010-06-06 9:19 am
Impossible to say. Humans don't think like God.

Jesus is what God would do if he was human. But I doubt he'd do it more than once.

What would we do if we could see what God really thinks of us?
2010-06-06 9:30 am
Whatever I want which would probably involve a dramatic increase in divine intervention just for the lulz.
2010-06-06 9:24 am
People, usually the poor and middle class, have been financially supporting the religions for thousands of years. Zeus, Apollo and other Gods have never asked for a cent, so I would do it myself.
2010-06-06 9:16 am
I'd make everyone eat dog food and watch "The View", "Nancy Grace", and "Oprah" 24/7.
2010-06-06 9:15 am
feed myself lotsa chicken
2010-06-06 9:12 am
Create stuff, like different worlds and stuff. and make weird stuff happen like make water freeze between the hours of 4 AM and 12 PM, etc.
2010-06-06 9:10 am
Laugh hysterically at all you douchebag sinners.

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