The sims 1,2&3

2010-06-07 4:40 am
The sims 1,2&3 有咩分別??

回答 (3)

2010-06-16 7:05 am
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根據我買sims 3既夢想起飛紀念版本書

Sims 1 係2000年出既
好舊架啦 畫面唔係好靚 而且只係2D

Sims 2 係2004年出既 到到2009年就唔再出啦
因為出左好耐 所以好多資料片 同係網上好多自定義野可以download
所以比較多野玩 同埋d人物可以整得好真

Sims 3 係2009年出 暫時只出左2個資料片
比起sims 2, sims 3人物表情比較生動
而且比較生活化 可以出街行 (sims 2 出街要load一大輪 sims 3 唔洗)
不過唔夠sims 2 d人咁可以整到好靚
而且你網上下載好難安裝 (買就無問題)
而sims 2好易裝

如果你想知詳細有咩玩 去
參考: 自己
2010-06-08 7:32 am
sims 1 it is the oldest version but the graphic still ok. sims 1 you can go to some magical city. you can pet your own dragon too. if i remember, you can learn spells to attack someone. (warning u need a 資料片)
in sims 2, u can go to university to study(you can go to the interior of it and even be a boarder. you can have a night town. in sims 2, you need to fulfill their wishes to earn points and those points can buy you something.(warning u need a 資料片)
in sims 3, the latest version. you can do things that you can do in the past two. you can even drive on the street like in the real world. you can travel around the world, like frances, china and egypt.(warning u need a 資料片) you will have new furniture and you can go to work with them(only particular jobs, eg firemen, ghosts hunter...
參考: myself
2010-06-07 7:16 am
我只玩過SIM3 所以我知道的都不太詳細

sim1 相對地較為舊 我估在各方面都應該比不上後兩者

而sim2 現在已有多個資料片 ! 所以內容就會比 sim3 豐富!

而sim3 近日都出了 資料片 當然是比sim2 少得多!

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