對未來好徬徨無助, 好耐都未試過開心

2010-06-07 3:14 am
我今年17, 考完會考出左外國讀書
但係總會有少少思鄉病發作, 加上無乜朋友
可以談心, 傾訴既唔多, 有心事都收收埋埋
由於出國讀書, 我唔想辜負家人既寄望
加上比自己目標, 搞到讀書壓力好大
夜晚既時間, 我會諗究竟我將來會點?
會唔會跟風讀商科? 我有冇興趣讀?
好多好多問號, 我真係唔知自己將來會點
我明白, 將來既野無人會知, 最好方法就係做好當下
我有努力去讀, 但係結果未如理想, 令我更加徬徨

回答 (7)

2010-06-13 1:56 am
2010-06-11 6:45 am
I think you are feeling a bit down, it doesn't sound as bad as it seems.

1. "我唔想佢地咁掛心所以我最後都選擇收收埋" - I understand that but you MUST share your thoughts and worries etc with your friends and families even when you think they will be worried about you! Go to a local church or a church near Chinatown, they have a mature community for you to join in easily.

2. "我就黎會讀大學但係仲未清楚究竟我興趣係邊" - It doesn't matter which subjects you do - ALL subjects develop intellectual ability which is useful in the future. If you don't know your interest, you can choose by elimination - pick out those which are definitely not your area, and work at the rest to see which one is easier/more straightforward/more interesting. I can tell you that MOST students at your age don't know what their interests are, not just you. We all take risks when we make choices. Even if you do something which turns out to be not interesting, then so what? carry on till you finish the degree, and then do something you like. Or change subject half way through. A lot of people do that. A lot more people only realise their interests when they are 50 years old. But we all carry on in self-doubts and uncertainty. What is different is, we take risk.

3. "最好方法就係做好當下" - well done!

4. "結果未如理想令我更加徬徨" - you don't need straight As to enter university, if you have put in effort and try your best, you are great! There are too many reasons why exam didn't turn out as good, the most important thing is - don't let it hold you back. You need to believe in yourself. Think outside the box and you will see how lucky you are - being able to study outside HK; How many people have your experience? Who has the chance to learn from different cultures? Who has ever seen the sky in other parts of the world? If you have food and warm clothes and a nice bed - be thankful and you will lose sight of the difficulties around you.

THere must be something you do well - yes there must be. Best wishes.
2010-06-10 5:40 am
I have the same situation with you. I just high school graduate. I 've been 2 years doing nothing. I'm going to study nurse couse. I do like it but not the most. I don't know what to do in my furture either. But i don't give up , and just trying to find something to do. Our life is still go on. Just find something to do first. We will find our real path inthe furture. Don't let no small furtration ever bring you down. Just llisten to music to get your mood better
2010-06-08 3:18 am
我都好明白你ge心情, 我覺得你可以同屋企人講話你掛住佢地, 另一個方法係投入o個邊ge園生活, 識多d朋友, 我大部分朋友過左外國讀書都識到好多朋友, 見佢地facebook d 相都玩得好開心. 始終你o係o個邊時間多d, 識多d朋友先係最好ge 紓解辨法.

至於讀書方面, 其實你都應該take 左好多科啦, 有無話對d乜野科特別易上手呢? 鍾意科學定文科呢? 多d搵d同學傾下, 可能會搵到方向.

老實講, 我讀書都唔求興趣, 睇下讀d乜野科將來出路好就去讀o個科, 依家最hit 當然係讀finance 啦, 但係我覺得將來會係環保行業ge天下, 你又睇下有無興趣啦, 讀d同樹木有關ge科目o係香港一定搵到野做呀.

你17歲覺得迷惘好正常, 我17歲都只係識打波, 所以唔駛唔開心, 聽我講, 識多d新朋友, 傾多d偈, 了解下大家ge諗法, 咁會啟發到你人生好多野
2010-06-07 5:24 pm

2010-06-07 5:35 am
2010-06-07 4:36 am
其實我覺得你可以坦坦白白同屋企人講你同掛住佢地..因為可能你表現得冇乜野..佢地會覺得你係咪嫌佢地煩又或者你好想見唔到佢地..有心事ge話不妨同屋企人講下..或者打比家鄉d fd.你或者要清清楚楚咁諗下..夠竟你而家最鐘意ge野係乜..平時得閒鐘意做d咩..讀咩科..唔係睇你鐘唔鐘意..要睇下你ge邊一樣叻..將來ge路唔係冇人知..自己知..俗語都有話..將來ge路係自己開創..-,-

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