relative clauses問題

2010-06-06 6:28 pm
我知道有分Defining and non-defining
咁non-defining clauses幾時要加comma同幾時唔要加?
eg.Japan is a wonderful country. It is famous for animated movies.
Japan where is a wonderful country is famous for animated movies.

Japan, where is a wonderful country ,is famous for animated movies.

回答 (1)

2010-06-06 6:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, your sentence should be written as follows using the relative pronoun [which]:

Japan, which is famous for animated movies, is a wonderful country.

Here, the relative pronoun [which] is used to replace the pronoun [It] in your second sentence (which refers to Japan). If you want to use [where], you may write something like this:

Japan is a wonderful country where there are famous animated movies.

Here, [where] = [in which] = [in this country (Japan)]

For non-defining relative clauses, comma(s) is/ are narmally needed. Unless the relative clause comes at the end of a sentence, two commas are necessary.

- Japan, which is famous for animated movies, is a wonderful country. (2 commas)
- This is Mr. Rogers, who's joining the firm next week. (1 comma)

Hope that it can help you.

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