急!!請幫我翻譯這篇文章 中譯英 20點

2010-06-06 5:13 am
拜託請用最簡單的文法單字 不要太厲害的句型 麻煩了 謝謝!!!!!!!!!!!

我住在Taoyuan, Taiwan,但我曾經到中國廈門住過一個月.廈門雖然離Kinme很近,但跟我們習慣文化上多少還是會有差異,接下來我將要比較桃園以及廈門這兩個地方.

首先,廈們屬於福建省 所以他們也會說閩南語.
因為有許多台商,所以有很多台灣的店在廈門也有 例如 知名連鎖飲料店 和長庚醫院
吃得方面也都差不多 但是味道會有些許的不同
衣的方面 廈門同樣有許多百貨公司及小市集,攤販.但沒有像台灣有所謂的夜市這麼密集
廈門跟台灣一樣同樣受到日本韓國的影響 所以穿著風格也都偏向日韓

廈門的天氣比taoyuan熱 廈門天氣相當於Chia yi的天氣
在吃得方面口味也比yaoyuan鹹 雖然都會講閩南語和普通話 但是口音和用詞方面也是有些不同 例如我們說 泡麵 他們說方便麵 字體方面也不同 我們是繁體 他們是簡體
還有我們說話比較婉轉 他們說話比較直接 因為廈門比桃園大 所以相對的也比較熱鬧 他們除了和我們一樣有計程車公車外 還有所謂的摩托車 是可以載客的
廈門的公園有遊樂設施 像小型的遊樂園 台灣的就比較無聊

最後總結 廈門比桃園熱鬧好玩 但是比桃園髒 廈門吃得方面比桃園便宜 但口外太重我吃不慣 廈門公園都有鬼屋 我非常喜歡 台灣應該學習 晚上時廈門的街道都裝飾許多led燈 很美 像不夜城 桃園則像空城 非常無聊 所以兩個城市都各有好壞 但如果硬要選 我還是想住在桃園 畢竟比較習慣.

ashly: 你翻重複了 是這段喔 再麻煩妳了 謝謝 接下來要介紹的是兩個城市間不同之處 廈門的天氣比taoyuan熱 廈門天氣相當於Chia yi的天氣 在吃得方面口味也比 yaoyuan鹹 雖然都會講閩南語和普通話 但是口音和用詞方面也是有些不同 例如我們說 泡麵 他們說方便麵 字體方面也不同 我們是繁體 他們是簡體 還有我們說話比較婉轉 他們說話比較直接 因為廈門比桃園大 所以相對的也比較熱鬧 他們除了和我們一樣有計程車公車外 還有所謂的摩托車 是可以載客的 廈門的公園有遊樂設施 像小型的遊樂園 台灣的就比較無聊

回答 (4)

2010-06-07 8:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案

I live in Taoyuan, Taiwan, but I have been to Xiamen, China and lived for a month. Although Xiamen is near Kinme, we have different cultures and I will compare Taoyuan and Xiamen below.

Xiamen and Tayuan have somthing in common and different. Firstly, I want to introduce two common parts, Xiamen belongs to Fujian and Xiamen people speak Minnan dialect. Therefore, many Taiwan shops can be found in Xiamen, for eaxmple some famous franchised beverage brands and Chang'geng Hospital. Food is also very alike, but the taste may be different. In clothing, many department stores, little stalls and markets in Xiamen, but not as crowded as the night markets in Taiwan. Xiamen is similar to Taiwan, affected by Japan and South Korea in fashion style.

Xiamen and Tayuan have somthing in common and different. Firstly, I want to introduce two common parts, Xiamen belongs to Fujian and Xiamen people speak Minnan dialect. Therefore, many Taiwan shops can be found in Xiamen, for eaxmple some famous franchised beverage brands and Chang'geng Hospital. Food is also very alike, but the taste may be different. In clothing, many department stores, little stalls and markets in Xiamen, but not as crowded as the night markets in Taiwan. Xiamen is similar to Taiwan, affected by Japan and South Korea in fashion style.

In conclusion, Xiamen is more lively and funny than Taoyuan, but dirtier than Taoyuan. Xiaman's food is cheaper than Taoyuan, but it tastes too heavy, and I am not used to it. There are haunting houses in Xiamen parks, and I like this very much and believe Taiwan should learn from it. At night, Xiamen streets are decorated by many led lights, which makes the city beautiful like a sleepless town , Taoyuan is boring like an empty city, therefore the cities are good and bad in different aspects, but if I have to choose a city to live in ,I still choose to live in Taoyuan and get more used to it.
2010-06-06 9:54 pm
I live in Taoyuan, Taiwan, but I've been to China to live a month in Xiamen Xiamen although Kinme is very close to, but how many of our habits and culture or vary, next I would compare Xiamen and in Taoyuan and where.

Xiamen with taoyuan have more similarities also has many different Department. first of all I would like to introduce two local similarities.
First of all, I have belongs to Fujian province so they would speak Taiwanese.
Because there are a number of Taiwanese businesses, so there are many shops in Xiamen Taiwan have for example the well-known chain beverage shop and Chang Gung Memorial Hospital
Eat are almost but taste will be slightly different
The area also has many department stores in Xiamen and small markets, street vendors, but not like Taiwan has the so-called night so dense
As Xiamen Taiwan by Japan Korea so wear style also favour-Korea

To be two differences between cities
Xiamen weather than taoyuan hot weather is equivalent to Xiamen Chia yi weather
In regards to eat tastes better than yaoyuan salt although speaks Taiwanese and Putonghua but accent and Word also is somewhat different for example us that instant noodles they say instant font differently we are traditional they are simplified
Have we tried to talk to their remarks is straightforward because the Xiamen Taoyuan therefore relative and hilarious they and our taxi bus outside the so-called motorcycle trips can be
Xiamen's Park and recreation facilities like a small amusement park in Taiwan as boring

Concluded by Xiamen Taoyuan nightspots however than the Taoyuan dirty Xiamen eat cheaper than the Taoyuan but estuary is too heavy for me Xiamen Park are haunted house I am very fond of Taiwan should learn at Xiamen streets are decorated in a number of led lights is beautiful like Taoyuan City is like empty city very boring so the two cities are good or bad but if you insist on selected I still want to live in Taoyuan, after all, more used.
2010-06-06 5:41 pm


2010-06-06 5:17 am
I live in Taoyuan, Taiwan, but I once went to Xiamen, China to stay for a month.Xiamen although leaving Kinme is very near,be used to culture ascending with us how much still will have difference, connecting down me will compare Taoyuan and these two places in Xiamen.

Xiamen has already needed much alike to also have many differences with taoyuan.My wanting to be introductive is the alikes of two places first.
First, the Xias belong to Fukien province so they will also speak South Fukien dialect.
There are many Taiwanese business peoples, so have a lot of Taiwanese stores to also have in Xiamen for example well-known store of the catena beverage and Chang Gung hospital
Eat the aspect is also all just about but the flavor will have some the dissimilarities for allowing
Dress of there are equally many department stores and small country fair in aspect Xiamen, peddler.But don't be like there is so-called night City in Taiwan so intensive
Xiamen is equally similar to Taiwan under the influence of Korea, Japan so be dressed in a style to also be all partial to in day

2010-06-05 21:18:18 補充:
Connect down to want introductive is two differents in city
The weather in Xiamen than the weather of the taoyuan hot Xiamen the weather equal to Chia yi
more habit.

2010-06-05 21:18:39 補充:
The taste is also more salty than yaoyuan in the aspects of eating getting although will speak the South Fukien dialect is different from the common speech the accent with use the phrase also is some the dissimilarities for example us say the instant noodles them

2010-06-05 21:18:51 補充:
say that the convenient noodles form of written is also we are traditional Chineses they are simplified Chineses
Still have us to talk more tactfully they talk a little bit directly bigger than Taoyuan

2010-06-05 21:19:12 補充:
Finally tally up Xiamen to play but eat than dirty Xiamen, Taoyuan so much than noisy Taoyuan the aspect is more outside too heavy than cheapness in Taoyuan but I eat not to spoil there is all ghost house in Xiamen park I like very much Taiwan should learn in

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