
2010-06-06 3:43 am
1. conditional
3.adjectives + (to infinive)
4."zero" article
5.phrasal verbs
6.participle adjective

回答 (2)

2010-06-06 6:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. conditional
請參看 http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7010060500044

2.imperatives (祈使/命令句: 動詞或 Don't 開頭)
'Sit!' the boy ordered the dog.
'Don't go' he said.

3.adjectives + (to infinive) 形容詞後面既動詞要加 to
It is easy to learn English.
The coffee is too hot to drink.

4."zero" article 不加 a/an/the
Time is money. (time和money 都不加a/an/the, 因為數不到及不用指明)

5.phrasal verbs 片語
通常由一個動詞 + 一個介詞 (preposition) 組成:
give up (放棄)
有些可以跟兩個 prepositions:
cash in on
***phrasal verb 一定要死記, 冇得估意思!

6.participle adjective 分詞 形容詞
即 excited / exciting, interested / interesting 分別
通常形容自己本身既用 ed 果款:
I am bored. (自己覺悶)
She is excited. (自己覺興奮)
They are interested in English. (自感興趣)

形容令人...既事, 會用 'ing'
The lesson is boring. (令人悶)
The game is exciting. (令人剌激)
The book is interesting. (有趣=令人感興趣)

唔明可再問, 但要另外加分. thank you!
參考: 我係英文老師
2010-06-06 3:55 am
1.條件句 e.g.: if-conditionals
2.命令句 e.g.: Do it again!
3.這是形容詞的其中一種用法 e.g.: It is easy to do this task.
4.沒有用冠詞修飾的名詞 e.g. Time ------ Time is money.
5.動詞片語 e.g.:get up, give up,sweep away
6.形容詞分詞 e.g. a broken window, a singing bird

2010-06-05 19:56:20 補充:
Hope that you'll understand these concepts.

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