英文初階 進階和高階字典的分別

2010-06-06 3:27 am
英文字典有初階、進階和高階,應該怎樣選擇,如果是看一般英文雜誌如time,或報紙如scmp ,進階的是否已足夠??????或是高階較好???分別在哪????

回答 (3)

2010-06-06 6:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
簡單d講, 你可以諗為:

分別在於字典內既生字量, 初階最少, 解釋亦最簡單, 高階最多最詳細

如果你睇time或scmp, 一本高階就足夠! 其實字典冇話初階定高階好, 最重要係o岩唔o岩你用.

如買中/英字典, 我建議你買Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary (7th edition), 因為oxford 係權威!)

如買英/英字典, 你可買 Collins Cobuild, 好多大學生多用! 英文解釋好簡單, 例句又係真既英文 (native speaker 用既英文)

網上最好字典, 當然係 Cambridge:
參考: 我係英文老師
2010-06-06 5:41 pm


2010-06-06 5:20 am
I would recommend you to buy the Advanced Learner’s. A dictionary is like a silent teacher. You need one which is trust-worthy. There are more words, more examples and more explanation in the Advanced Learner’s. With the Advanced Learner’s, you don’t need the Intermediate or Beginners. Most words in SCMP, and Times can be found only in Advanced Learners but not in junior level dictionaries. Although you have to pay more for it, you surely will gain more than what you pay for it. To me, one Advanced Learner’s is not enough. You need at least two Advanced dictionaries. I have one Oxford ’s,l one Longman’s, and three other big ones, and most importantly, get the latest copies available, like those published in 2009-2010.
The Advanced learner's dictionary will surely hep improve your English much better than the others..

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