
2010-06-06 2:57 am
我有時睇戲或打機都聽到,有時d外國人講同意唔會用agree,approve呢d字,我聽到佢地好簡單咁講左一個十分近似" I "音既英文字,就表示左同意,我想問下呢個字究竟存唔存在?存在既話佢又點串呢??  


回答 (2)

2010-06-06 3:30 pm

“aye” (noun) = yes 贊成 (pronouned as [ai]={i }
People say ‘aye’ instead of “yes” in a formal debate, for example, in a parliament.
.e.g “All those in favour say aye.” (贊同的說 “aye”)
In normal settings:
e.g. ‘Did you see what happened?’
‘ Oh aye, I was there.’
“ayes” = the total number of people voting ‘yes’ in a formal debate,贊成票(總數)
e.g. The ayes have it (- more people have voted for something than against it)(投票贊成的人佔多數)
opposite = noes
參考: Oxford Advanced Learner's Eng-Chin Dict.

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