
2010-06-05 10:52 pm
如題, 唔係唔俾人睇已tag的相
如果有的話可以係邊度set? thx!

回答 (1)

2010-06-09 11:08 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你可以在相片上面 click "remove tag" 或在相片的右下方 click "delete tag"。

此外,你可以跟以下方法防止人 tag 你的相片:

At the least, a tagged photo/video can result in personal
embarrassment. So how do you prevent the infamous tagged photo or video
from showing up in all of your friends news feeds? It’s pretty simple.
First visit your profile privacy
page and modify the setting next to “Photos Tagged of You”. Select
the option which says “Customize…” and a box like the one pictured below
will pop up.

Select the option “Only Me” and then “None of My Networks” if you
would like to keep all tagged photos private. If you’d like to make
tagged photos visible to certain users you can choose to add them in the
box under the “Some Friends” option. In the box that displays after
you select “Some Friends” you can type either individual friends or
friend lists.



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