腦下垂體瘤手術問題 與風險

2010-06-05 10:41 pm
是否一定要手術 .又如何手術方式 >恢復期多久風險為何 有無後遺症


回答 (2)

2010-06-06 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
可看中醫及針灸輔助 但手術多數要做 但不要把腦下垂體整個切下 如能夠就只切除腫瘤 因腦下垂體控制汾泌激素 如性激素(男女性荷爾蒙)如把整個切除 會有很多後遺症 如眼突 甲狀腺問題 失去性功能..............................
而且切除後還會覆發 所以一定要看中醫及針灸 腦癌多數由於痰瘀影響 經絡不通 所以要去痰瘀 而且主要是脾腎功能失調 影響
2010-06-06 7:39 am
I know chinese but at this moment i can't type chinese... i will try to explain..

First of all, is it affecting your life? And how serious is it affecting you? Some people will a tumor there and have no effect on their life.

Secondly, what is the nature of the tumor? (Though u need to consult your doctor...for the nature of it) Is it going to going to grow and cause other problems??

Thirdly, if there is a problem e.g. hormonal problem, would you take a risk to solve that problem? e.g. the most common pituitary tumor is prolactinoma. The hormone that it is generally responsible for fertility. If you think having a child in the future is what you havent thought of then you may just leave the tumor alone (as long as it doesnt keep growing and cause other problems e.g. blindness)

As you havent provide with your other medical history... i guess you'd better consult a professional face to face...

2010-06-06 12:11:01 補充:

其次,什麼是腫瘤的性質是什麼? (需要諮詢你的醫生 ...它的本質)是否會持續增長,導致其他問題??e.g. blindness


當你還沒提供您的其他病歷 ...我想你最好還是面對面請教專業 ...

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