HK disneyland SWOT

2010-06-05 9:11 pm
我想問HKdisneyland SWOT?

回答 (1)

2010-06-09 11:34 pm
✔ 最佳答案

-Global branding 世界有名品牌

-owning unique cantoon characters and fantasy stories獨一無異卡通及故事原素

-strong financial support and resources backup by the parental company , USA 強勁後台及技朮資源

-excellence management system and knowledge for first class threme park worldwide 世界一流遊樂場管理經驗


-poor understanding of the culture of Chinese/ Asian 不了解中國文化

-relatively smaller size than disneylands in other countries 地方少

-Too rely on American style of management system and ignore the importance of Chinese working culture 美式管理方法未必適合

-Attractions are too unreal and fantasitized that might only attract kids or story lovers.只適合有童真之游客

-limitations on the development of ideas and attractions as it need to line up with the originators of USA. 須忠於原著及母公司之政策故局限於設施發展


- potential customers from China and Asia regions (big Portions)

- stable growth of economic development in HK and rapid growth in China, people are willing to spend money in travel and visit theme park

-relaxation governemnet restrictions of ndividual travvlers from China to HK (放寬自由行)


-direct competition from Ocean Park

-Possible plan of new theme park development in China regions

-the competitions of the theme parks in Japan and in Singapore with their increasing tourisum promotions

-Poor policies of tour companies and inexperiences of local guides might affect the general no. of inbound tourists.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:17:37
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