
2010-06-05 6:41 pm
1)我想知never/seldom/always....後面可以用past tense嗎??

2)when-the things happened suddenly in the middle of a long action

咁when會唔會有present tense架??

同埋可唔可以寫when i am .......,i will ..........

用中文答 thx.

回答 (5)

2010-06-05 8:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
wing yan:
1) never, seldom, always 等' 副詞 '(adverb) 後面用past tense的如下例子:
a) He never did anything bad before.(他以前從未做過壞事)
She never went back on her promise.(她從未嘗不履行她的諾言)
b) We seldom used forks and knives to eat.(我們極少用刀义來食東西)
I seldom got flu since I was young.(我自小就很少患上感冒)
c) She always laughed at a good joke.(她常對好的笑話哈哈大笑)

2)你的意思是否 When something else suddenly happened in th course of
action of something ?在這情形下當然會有present tense的, 如下例:
a) When you feel ill in the class, tell the teacher at once.(在上課時感到有
病, 立刻告訴老師)
b) When you feel sick in the football match, excuse yourself and go for a
doctor right away.(當你在足球賽中感到不適,應立即離塲往找醫生去)
你問可否寫When I am......I shall(記住I will 不是常用的, 是誓神劈願將
會一定做某一件事才用I will, 否則 I 之後一定要用shall字)。答案是可以
a) When I am drinking I shall not talk or I shall get choked.(當我喝水時我
將不說話, 以免吞錯喉)
b) When I am driving, I shall not listen to the radio.(當我駕車時我將不會聽

參考: nil
2010-06-05 10:46 pm
1. Yes, you can also use them in past tense.
2. Yes, there is also "when" in present tense. You can use "when" to specify two or above actions happened at the same time.
2010-06-05 7:23 pm
1) Yes, you can use the past tense or present tense after those words you mentioned, depending on what you want to say.

7-Eleven store
Example "It is never closed (past) but always close (present)", means it's always open but it's never far away from where you are.

2) When (x) things happened suddenly in the middle of a long action.
Yes, it is possible to be present tense when "when" is used.

Example : When the sun shines, the morning dew will disappear.

3) Yes it's possible.
Example : When I am eating, I will not talk.
2010-06-05 7:02 pm
2010-06-05 7:00 pm

2010-06-05 11:02:32 補充:

2010-06-05 11:02:50 補充:
參考: 自己的知識

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