面試時..英文一問, 唔該各位

2010-06-04 11:15 pm
我現在搵緊工呀, 我之前做過Administration Clerk 同埋 Receptionist, 我的英文不是太好, 想請問大家如果我呢種Position, interview 時要怎樣介紹自己呢, 希望你們幫到我, 可以比下意見我嗎? 唔該晒先....
這是我以往的工作經驗, 可以幫我translate 做英文嗎..(大家可以加入你們的意見)

我最近在XXXX Company的Merchandising Dept.做Temp Clerk, 做左半年左右, 主要職務是 data entry, filing, 及有關該部門的文職工作。

在這之前 , 我在XXXX Company 做Receptionist, 是under HR and Admin Dept.的,
我的職責是 : 接聽電話、收發傳真文件、安排速遞交收文件、訂購文具、協助公司同事做Travel Arrangement, 當有同事出差時, 幫他/她訂機票、安排酒店住宿。

我的興趣是睇戲, 聽歌等....

回答 (3)

2010-06-05 5:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
我最近在XXXX Company的Merchandising Dept.做Temp Clerk, 做左半年左右, 主要職務是 data entry, filing, 及有關該部門的文職工作。

I have been working as a temporary clerk in the Merchandising Department of XXXX Company for about 6 months. My job duties include data entry, filing and other clerical work for the department.

在這之前 , 我在XXXX Company 做Receptionist, 是under HR and Admin Dept.的,
我的職責是 : 接聽電話、收發傳真文件、安排速遞交收文件、訂購文具、協助公司同事做Travel Arrangement, 當有同事出差時, 幫他/她訂機票、安排酒店住宿。

Before that, I was a receptionist at XXXX Company. I worked for the Human Recourses and Administrative Department. My job duties included answering phone calls and faxes, collecting and signing courier documents, ordering stationery, assisting colleagues with travel arrangement (such as ordering plane tickets and arranging accommodation for colleagues who need to travel on business).

我的興趣是睇戲, 聽歌等....
I like watching movies, listening to music etc. in my spare time.
參考: 我係英文老師
2010-06-14 12:14 am
The answer submitted by ChrisC is not bad, not bad at all.
2010-06-04 11:54 pm
i am working at xx company as a tempary clerk. the major duty include data entry, filing and paper work.

i worked at xxx company as a receptionist of HR and Admin Department. my duty was to provide criecral support for the operation unit and handle travel arrangement for the staff

工作範圍果到要講多d,唔好只講d咩接電話呀做下文件咁…係人份工都包括lee d ga la。要講一下你之前為公司的貢獻,吹大少少都ok...舉個例,可能你只是幫手畫下廣告d圖,你就講成設計廣告,修飾下d字。再講下自己的優點呀、之前的老細到你的好評價,一定要apply到落lee份工先好講。興趣唔好講,佢問你先好答,hk公司都好少問,是鬼佬文化重ge公司先會問。想一想之前的工作有冇曾經遇過咩困難之處(eg 好難頂的客人...),最後點樣克服。


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