bare inf.

2010-06-04 10:23 pm
我想問有什麽動詞屬於bare inf.?
另外我想問told 算唔算係bare inf.?

另外,我想問什麽是finite verb?例子?

回答 (2)

2010-06-05 1:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
Bare Infinitive:
Usually, when we see the following patterns, we use "bare infinitive":
Pattern 1: Will/ Shall/ Can/ May/ Do/ Does/ Must and their past forms
e.g. I will go shopping with you tomorrow.
Pattern 2: See/ Watch/ Notice/ Observe/ Hear/ Listen/ Feel/ Smell
e.g. I saw him leave the school.
Pattern 3: Make/ Let
e.g. She makes me cry.
Pattern 4: Had better/ Would rather/ Cannot but/ Can do nothing but
e.g. You'd better go home now.
e.g. I couldn't do anything but site there and wait for help.
Pattern 5: Need/ Dare
e.g. You need not explain your intentions.
Pattern 6: And/ Or/ Except/ Than/ But
e.g. I have nothing to do except read those story books.

Finite Verbs

Finite Verbs (限定動詞)是指受主語的人稱(person)、數和時態(tense) 限制的動詞。 Finite verbs 可组成獨立的 clauses,而這些 clauses 亦可以是完整句子。在英語,要組成一文法上完整的句子,都要用一個或多個finite verbs,嚴格上沒有finite verbs的我們不叫 sentence或 clause,只有non-finite verbs 的只可叫 phrases。

英語中,只有於特定的 moods (語氣)底下的動詞才叫 finite verbs:

the indicative mood (直陳語氣)表示動詞所描述的動作變是事實或是可能發生的事實。 如: He wants you 中的wants是 finite verb。

the imperative mood (祈使語氣) 表示動詞所傳達的只是命令、請求、勸告或禁令等。 Everyone must leave by 5:30 中 must 是 finite verb。

the subjunctive mood (虛擬語氣) If I were you,were 是 finite verb。

2010-06-11 11:59 am
> 我想問有什麽動詞屬於bare inf.?

你條問題問錯了。Bare infinitive 是動詞的其中一個 form,就像 past tense 是動詞的其中一個 form。你條問題等如問人:「我想問有什麽動詞屬於past tense?」

> 請盡量寫曬

無可能寫晒因為所有每個動詞都有一個 form 叫 bare infinitive。

字典寫 "see",這就是 bare infinitive form。它的 infinitive form 是 "to see"。
一般我地把 infinitive 看成是一個動詞的最基本的原形,所以我地會話:「"to see" 寫成 bare infinitive 是 "see"」,但不會調轉來講。

> 另外我想問told 算唔算係bare inf.?

唔算。Infinitive 是 "to tell",bare infinitive 是 "tell","told" 是 past tense 和 past participle。

你諗你已明白了。很簡單,字典個字頭就是 bare infinitive :)

> 另外,我想問什麽是finite verb?例子?

"finite" 意思是「有限」,"infinite" 意思是「無限」。所謂限,是限在人稱、人數、性別、時間 etc 上。
就咁睇 "to see",你看不出是在講你定我、男定女、一個人定三個人、過去定未來。"to see" 是 infinite 的。
就咁睇 "went",你知是講過去。"went" 是 finite 的。
如果話你知有人 "goes" 去某地方,你知是「he」或「she」(he goes, she goes),又知不是「I」或「they」(I go, they go, not "goes")。"goes" 是 finite 的。

went is a finite verb
goes is a finite verb
going is a finite verb
"to go" & "go" are infinite verbs

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