what does he mean??

2010-06-04 9:19 pm
If a guy keeps saying " be good " to ya but quite sure knowing that he doesnt wanna be your bf, what possibly does he mean in this way? If it is just a friend, he shouldnt telling me "be good" all the time.

回答 (3)

2010-06-05 1:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
He might want to be your big brother (not just a friend), so he doesn't want you to do anything wrong. You didn't give enough details to tell about your relationship. Still another possibility is that this is his tag in every conservation.
2010-06-05 4:14 am
he want to encourage you... maybe.. 0r he like you.. -_-(blahblah whatever)

i think a friend may say like that #w#!

do you want that guy to ;o)like you then? =]
2010-06-04 9:24 pm
可能覺得你還不夠好,or you are not the cup of his tea~

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