
2010-06-04 8:45 pm

One day, I surfing the internet in Youtube website, there have a one heading was caught my attention, it was “How to get rid of Hong Kong accent”. This heading total has ten of clips. I click the one of the clip. To talk to this clip is a Hong Kong men, he said that the most of Asia language has tonal language, includes Cantonese, Japanese and so on, but English is not. It is why when we hear people talk the English, we can know who Hong Kong man is.

I want to ask this question was long time. I think we have influenced each other and neglect a correct tone when said the English, it is the main points to speak not like a native. Perhaps it may affect our means, also not enough to express our emotion. Due to all this details, native English speakers would misunderstand our means.

I think I was very hard to get rid of my Hong Kong accent, because I do not have any friend who are native English speakers can teach me and it will take a long time, besides will have to speak English very often. The man also said charge to speak more native is not impossible, we can practice the tone with foreigner different channel. In order to alter my accent, I hear English radio channel every night, it is a very good way to learn pronounce.

Finally, I know why I speak English not like a native English speakers, I can not charge Cantonese has tonal language this true, but I can to alter my accent. I will try to speak like more native English speakers.

I could not charge Cantonese has tonal language this true, but I can alter my accent. 我想表達 "我唔可以改變廣東話有tonal language 這個事實,但係我可以改變自己的發音" 唔該哂,我d英文實在太差

回答 (2)

2010-06-04 9:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
(You don’t use “I think” when you write because you write what you think)
One day, I was surfing on the internet on Youtube. There was a title that caught my attention, it said, “How to get rid of Hong Kong accent”. There are ten clips under this title. I clicked on one of it and the host of this particular clip is a man from Hong Kong. He said that most of the languages in Asia are tonal language, including Cantonese, Japanese, Mandarin and so on. However, English is not. That is why we are able to know when someone who is from Hong Kong speaking English.
There has been a question in my mind for a long time. We influence other and neglect the correct tone when speaking in English. (English don’t use comma as often) We speak the way we do in purpose. Perhaps not like a native, it affects what we actually mean to say and to express our emotion. Because of these reasons, English speakers who does not speak Chinese would misunderstand what we mean to say.
(mainly because your GRAMMAR is so BAD)
I tried very hard to get rid of my Hong Kong accent but it was unsuccessful. It is because I do not have any native English speaking friends who can teach me. It will take longer to practice by myself. The man in the Youtube clip also said that clearing ones accent is possible. We can practice speaking by listening to foreign TV or radio channel. In order to clear my accent, I listen to English radio station every night. And it is a very good way to better my pronunciation.
Finally, I understand why I do not speak English like a native speaker. I cannot change the fact that Cantonese is a tonal language, but I can eliminate my accent by trying to speak more like a native speaker.
(when you think in Chinese,you write Chinese-English.When you can think in English, you write English-English.BUT FIRST, you have to learn and practice all GRAMMAR rules.Just like mathematic.REMEMBER, you can translate IDEAS but you cannot translate a language WORD BY WORD.GoodLuck.)
2010-06-04 9:21 pm
希望我無改錯, 如有錯誤, 請見諒,
紅色為修正了的地方, 紫色為問題句!!

One day, I was surfing on the Youtube website. I was focus on a hit headline which called “How to get rid of Hong Kong accent”. This heading has ten clips in total. I clicked one of the clips. This clip is about a Hong Kong man. He said that the most of Asia languages have tonal language such as Cantonese and Japanese, but English was not included. Because when we hear someone talks English, we will know who the Hong Kong man is.

I wanted to ask one question for a long time. I think we have influenced each other and neglect a correct tone when we said English; it is the main point not to speak like a native. Perhaps it may affect our meaning and there is not enough ways to express our emotion. Because of all this details, native English speakers would misunderstand our meaning.

I think I was very hard to get rid of my Hong Kong accent because I did not have any friends who are native English speakers that can teach me. Also, it will take me so much time. Besides, I have to speak English very often. The man also said that charged to speak more native is not impossible, we can practice the tone with foreigner with different channel. In order to alter my accent, I hear English radio channel every night, it is a very good way to learn pronunciations.

Finally, I knew why I speak English not like a native English speakers. I could not charge Cantonese has tonal language this true, but I can alter my accent. (問題句, 不明你想表達什麼) I will try to speak like some native English speakers.
參考: 我自己

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