請問點樣重裝 vista,但係我唔想冇晒啲資料...

2010-06-04 6:55 pm
請問點樣重裝 vista,但係我唔想冇晒啲資料...有冇可能架...?
我部電腦依排開機都出現藍screen, 跟住就restart / 熄機.
請有心人幫幫手!! 唔該!! =)

回答 (4)

2010-06-05 4:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
2010-06-04 9:24 pm
"168 專業上門電腦維修中心"

參考: 168 專業上門電腦維修中心 www.168-pc.com
2010-06-04 8:22 pm
First of all, you'll need a retail version of Vista. Not the upgrade version or OEM. Like all computer repairs, back up all your important files before you proceed.

Aim: Do a repair installation to locate corrupted/missing system files which will be replaced with proper ones off your Vista CD/DVD. This type of installation will not erase/delete any of your data/files. All it does is to correct important Vista system files to restore smooth windows' operation.

1. Start up PC then insert retail Vista CD/DVD.
2 Enter the correct language options for your PC.
3. In the Install Windows windows, click Repair.
4. In System Recovery Options window, click to select your system drive (usually C:) then click Next at bottom.
5. Startup Repair will start searching automatically. This could take a while to complete.
6. When asked for system restore, click cancel to skip becasue you are not restoring.
7. If it can't find any problems, Vista will ask you to send information to MicroSoft. It's up to you whether you want to send or not.
8. If it has fixed the problem(s), "send information prompt" won't appear. Just click Finish at the end of automatic repair.

Good luck.
參考: My PC know how
2010-06-04 7:50 pm
你可以拆隻硬碟出來,然後用另一部機打開,將你要保留的剪下儲存,然後裝回硬碟升重灌就可以保留你的資料!Have a nice day!
參考: 本人

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