
2010-06-04 5:50 pm
我電腦個DVD ROM係二區,一般睇3區DVD都要破解,但係好奇怪,最近問朋友借左隻3區DVD,一放入去就直接播到,有聽講過D9碟係不分區碼,係唔係因為隻DVD係D9?另外係咪有辦法可以改到隻DVD變全區碼(而唔係改軟件或者個ROM)?只係對區碼問題有D好奇,希望得到解答,唔該哂。

回答 (3)

2010-06-04 9:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Since all DVD discs (5 or 9 ; single or dual layers, no exceptions) are region coded, the answer is NO. Once the DVD has been made, all codes and data files are etched physically in the pits and lands on the reflective layer (& semi reflective layer in case of DVD-9). It's virturally impossible to change anything in the disc after it's made.

Your DVD-rom is allowed to play any region codes for first 3 times. But beware, it will be locked to play the very last code off the third disc. In other words, if the 3rd disc is made for region 5, the firmware wil be locked to play region 5 discs only from that point on.

Other options:

A. This only applies if you own (paid for) the DVD otherwise it is copyright infringement.

1. Install a DVD copier such as DVD Shrink in your PC.
2. Launch the copier (it will run automatically in background to neutralize the region code and some encryptions before it copies) to copy the content to your hard disk.
3. When finished, you can watch it on your PC screen.

B. Patch the firmware of your DVD drive in PC

While this seems exciting, it is actually very dangerous because these are developed underground by PC hackers. If it fails, the DVD drive will die beyond repair because manufacturer would not even cover it under warranly. Do it at your own risk. Not recommended.
參考: My PC know how
2010-06-04 11:19 pm
use dvd shrink to rip and burn dvd
(you have to select region-free settings)

use vlc player to play region-coded dvd
(vlc player will atuo skip the region check.)
(the count of your dvd region code change won't be affected.)
2010-06-04 9:18 pm
有SOFTWARE可以 避左個區碼

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