
2010-06-04 5:20 pm
今日我發夢見到識左唔係好耐既一個男仔想同我做果種事..之後我唔肯..反抗..佢就間硬黎..我就反抗然後即刻走...但之後好快就去到另一個場境 我係屋企既樓下見到以前既男朋友 我見到之後就即刻走 佢追住我..到佢追到我 佢笑住咁同我講話 我留底左個電話係佢度 因為我同佢分左手 佢不嬲對我好冷淡. 但係係夢入面佢冇啦啦又好似冇乜野咁..但係到到最後佢又跟左我妹妹同妹夫去買野 之後我問返呀妹佢有冇買野 我妹話冇..之後個夢就完左

我想知個夢到底想講d乜.我的確係對以前既戀情念念不忘 ..但我想知係意味住d咩野.

回答 (2)

2010-06-07 5:42 am
this is sex dream, probably you supress your sex desire after seprate with your first boy friend , and you have no sex life after all, but you really desire for it , so dream somebody rape you to make that reasonable and feel not guilt , and you do have a idea back to first boy friend and tempt him to have sex with you , but he is not interested, you so dont know how to release your sex desire , but you really want to so paradox occur

2010-06-05 2:54 am
1. 交接男子主失財 ;
2. 我欲共汝去大凶 ;

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