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Laptop hot (Laptop Over Heating):-
Its a common misconception that if a laptop gets hot it is overheating, If you think your laptop is actually overheating there are a few symptoms to look out for such as system crashes, sluggishness or slowness, are some parts of it too hot to touch?
A good way to test if a laptop is over heating is to use some CPU temperature monitoring software, many of these packages are free for both Intel and AMD processors then check to see what the normal temperature is for your computer type, its also worth checking the recommended processor temperature from the manufactures website or one of the many user groups/forums.
What can be done if a computer is overheating -
Always use a hard cool surface to allow air to circulate under the laptop. Many laptops have cooling vents underneath and obstructing these will make a laptop overheat very quickly.
One of our clients had a problem with an Acer laptop over heating, after checking this it was found have an asset label covering the air vents directly where the processor fan expelled hot air.
If a laptop is starting to overheat all of a sudden check the CPU fan, you should be able to hear it running, also check the thermal paste which helps transfer heat from the processor to the heatsink as it can lose efficiency and will need to be replaced.
Keep all vents clear of dirt or dust, a build up will cause over heating
Maybe purchase a laptop cooler which is basically a plate with multiple fans that sits under the laptop, helping to circulate air and help stop laptop overheating problems.
Applying the power saving functions of a laptop will make a it run much cooler, plus increase its battery life.
If you are looking for a new laptop and are concerned about excess heat or over heating, check on website of your preferred manufacturer, checking their forums on which laptops fall into this category and which dont.
All the best,