
2010-06-04 3:09 am
有一段以下文字關於我的功課,但我也不明內裏意思,請幫助. Thanks

A Supervisor position with a licensed construction firm, with an opportunity to utilize and refine my skills and knowledge", however, our company is the owner of a property, not a licensed construction firm. Can you explain why you apply to our company?

回答 (5)

2010-06-04 8:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案

漏去的,包括 open quotation mark ("),和指出是申請人說出 quotation marks 之中的說話。
In your application letter, you indicated that you were looking for "a supervisor position with a licensed construction firm, with an opportunity to utilize and refine my skills and knowledge". However, our company is the owner of a property, not a licensed construction firm. Can you explain why you apply to our company?

在你的申請信中,你表示: "尋找一個在有牌照建築公司的,令我能夠發揮和增進我才能及知識的管工職位。" 但本公司是一個物業的擁有人,不是一間有牌照的建築公司。你可否解釋因何向本公司申請職位?
參考: myself
2010-06-08 4:03 am
A Supervisor position with a licensed construction firm, with an opportunity to utilize and refine my skills and knowledge", however, our company is the owner of a property, not a licensed construction firm. Can you explain why you apply to our company?

參考: google
2010-06-05 12:51 am


2010-06-04 11:49 pm

參考: hkslot
2010-06-04 3:50 am
chi fung:其實我對這段文字也解不透, 但希望能幫到你, 就不要你的點數替你譯過來, 希望你能了解它到底說什麽:

一個有機會應用及改進我的知識和技能的持牌建商的管理職級崗位", 但本公司只是某業的業主而不是一個持牌的建造公司。你可否解釋為什麽你要呈申請到本公司呢 ?
(很費解,很費解, 極可能原文有問題)
參考: nil

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