F.4 app. of differentiation

2010-06-04 2:07 am
Find the equation of the tangent to the curve y=e^(-1/x) at the point
(1,1/e) .
ans: x-ey=0

2) The equation of a curvwe C is given by y=x/lnx
a)find a point on the curve C such that the slope of the tangent to C is -2.
b)find the equation of the tangent to C which is parallel to the line 2x+y-10=0

3) Show each of the following function is increasing for all real values of x.

b) f(x)=e^x/e^(-x)+2

4) It is given that f(x)= 3x+1/x^2+2x+3.Find the ranges of values of x such that
a) f(x) is increasing
b)f(x) is decreasing

pls show clear steps.thz!

回答 (1)

2010-06-04 6:22 am
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