
2010-06-03 9:47 pm
請問 "世水長流" 英文點寫? Thx!

回答 (6)

2010-06-03 10:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
細水長流 = economize to avoid running short

2010-06-17 16:32:52 補充:
Slowly but surely 的意思是穩步地,堅定不移地。

slowly but surely 好似指 「穩紮穩打」/ 「穩打穩紮」比較適合呢!

2010-06-17 22:54:45 補充:
Yes, if it says that something is happening slowly but surely, it means that it is happening gradually but it is definitely happening. (from Collins COBUILD)
但又好似和"細水長流" 冇關係~~~

2010-06-17 22:54:52 補充:
(2) 節約使用財物,才能長久不缺。(economize to avoid running short) 如:「即使富有的人,也要懂得節儉,才能細水長流,不虞匱乏。」

2010-06-17 22:59:42 補充:
“slowly but surely, that's how to win a race”。

2010-06-17 23:19:33 補充:
我覺得"slowly but surely" 用"穩打穩紮" 比較適合是因為"穩打穩紮" 的釋義是"穩健切實,逐步進行"。 而用"slow and steady"是更加適合和準確呀。
參考: @@****@@
2010-06-06 9:29 pm
Long Flowing Stream
2010-06-05 6:01 am
字面(lit) small streams flow long.
water that flows out in a trickle takes a long time to exhaust
A bit at a time.
Little by little and bit by bit
Economize and one will not go broke.
Persevere and one will succeed.
參考: 漢英對照成語詞典; 林語堂漢英詞典
2010-06-05 1:13 am

A steady and constant flow "of love".
2010-06-04 6:00 am
Water that flows slowly can last the longest time.
2010-06-04 1:01 am
World Flows

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