English question

2010-06-03 5:16 pm
1. 請問電視劇集英文是什麼?

2. Dogging 點解? 請給我例句。

回答 (3)

2010-06-03 5:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. TV drama
每一集叫 episode; 每季叫 season

2. dogging 係英國俚語(SLANG) = 在公眾地方發生性行為 (例如車內)
2010-06-04 12:22 pm
I agree with Chris' answer, but I like to add one comment to Ming Wah. Dogging is not有人在後面跟蹤着她. The word for this behavior is stalking.
2010-06-03 7:18 pm
電視劇集英文叫television series 或TV series.
dog 的動詞只用在說話的俗語, 解作逃避責任, 跟縱等如:
1)He dogged away when we wanted to ask him what had happened.
2)The girl found someone was dogging behind her.(該女子發現有人在後面跟
參考: nil

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