
2010-06-03 3:00 pm
點解 sin θ = sin 76 -sin 16
θ不是 60 而是44????????
我記得有formula, but forget

how to explain these formula sin(θ-O) = sinθcosO - cosθsinO

回答 (4)

2010-06-03 4:33 pm
2010-06-04 3:12 am
Trigonometric Function eg sin,cos,tan,they have to calculate with a angle theta,
it means they have no meanings and values when only sin,cos,tan in the calculation,

so sin(x),cos(x),tan(x),s be the angle,which the angle x must be contain to form a Trigonometric equation

in these case,


you can not factorize above equation because sin is a Trigonometric function and not a unknow,if its a unknown,you can factorize,

sin76-16 not equal to sin(76-16)
sin(a-b) = sin(a)cos(b)-cos(a)sin(b)

so therefore

sin(76-16) = sin76cos16-cos76sin16

so that,
sin76-sin 16 not equal to

in your case

sin theta = sin76 - sin16

theta = sin^-1(sin76-sin16)

sin(a-b) = sin(a)cos(b)-cos(a)sin(b)
2010-06-03 6:55 pm
sin76 - sin16

= 2cos[(76+16)/2] sin[(76-16)/2]

= 2 (cos46) sin30

= 2 (cos46) (1/2)

= cos46

= sin44
2010-06-03 5:55 pm
因為sin 76 - sin 16 並唔等於
sin(76 - 16)

而係等於0.970295... - 0.275637...
跟住用反三角函數 黎計番theta 既值

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