
2010-06-03 9:55 am
1. Why can't bike stand up by itself?
2. What do you get after it has been taken?
3. What is the best thing to eat in the bath?
4. What did one keyboard say to another keyboard?
5. What did the carpenter go to the doctor?
6. What eight-letter word has one letter in it?
7. Where do cows go on a Saturday night?
8. What runs but never walks?
9. What will you keep once you have given it to the others?
10. It is greater than god.
If you eat it , you will die.
The poor has it.
The rich needs it.

What is "it"?


回答 (4)

2010-06-03 7:29 pm
Supplement 001

3. A tub of ice-cream (??)
4. ???
9. Promise (!)

Here are some more:
What did the chewing gum
say to the shoe?
I am stuck on you.
What did one mountain say
to the other?
Let's meet in the valley.

What did one toilet say to
the other toilet?
You look a bit flushed.
What is the favourite game
of the cannibals?
Swallow the leader.
What do you call a
scared dinosaur?
A Nervous Rex.
Why are teddy bears
never hungry?
They are always stuffed.
Why is Dracula so
He is a pain in the neck.
2010-06-03 3:57 pm
1) Because it was two-tyred
2) Empty-handed
3) Hot dog sandwich
4) Hi-lo?
5) Dr Wood
6) Envelope
7) Stock market (when there's no bull-run)
8) Water
9) Your name
10) Nothing

Just guessing :)
2010-06-03 3:53 pm


2010-06-03 3:48 pm
1. Because it is two-tired (too tired).
2. Your photograph!
3. ???
4. ???
5.He had a saw hand
6. envelope
7. To the MOOvies.
8. your nose (running nose)
9. ???
10. Nothing. Nothing is greater than God, nothing is more evil than the devil, the poor have nothing, the rich need nothing and if you eat nothing you'll die

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