be used to同 used to分別有什麼用處(10分

2010-06-02 5:55 am
be used to同 used to分別有什麼用處


回答 (4)

2010-06-02 4:18 pm

2010-06-02 3:51 pm
1) used to 以前習慣, 現在現冇
I used to smoke. (= I smoked in the past, but not anymore)

2) be used to 以前至現在的習慣, 不足為奇
(be = is/am/are/was/were)
She is used to SMOKING. (她現習慣了吸煙, 請不用覺得奇怪)

3) get used to 漸漸習慣用...(以前沒有, 現在有的習慣)
He is getting used to SMOKING. (他漸漸學會吸煙)

*** 留意: 只有used to 後的動詞是不變 (bare infinitive), 其餘兩個, 請用-ing (gerund)
2010-06-02 8:38 am
used to (bare infinitive)係指一個過左去既習慣 而家已經冇做
e.g I used to play football. 姐係我以前成日踢波 已經成為左一個習慣 但而家冇

am used to (v-ing)係指而家對某一件事好熟 已經唔再陌生
e.g. I am used to playing computer games. 姐係我而家對打電腦不再陌生 已經好熟
2010-06-02 6:43 am
I used to have my breakfast in this restaurant. This means that I did this in thep past as a habit and I don't do it now.
I am used to having my breakfast in this restaurant. This means I usually have my breakfast in this restaurant as a habit now.
Please note
"used to + verb basic form"
"be used to + gerund (ing form of a verb)"

2010-06-01 22:45:03 補充:
used to - 已往習慣做的
be used to - 現在習慣做的

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