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2010-06-02 3:48 am
eg.as sweet as sagar

回答 (6)

2010-06-02 7:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. As good as in heaven.如上了天堂咁正(感覺)
2. As strong as love.如戀愛咁激(感覺)
3. As smooth as silk.如絲般柔滑(質感)
4. As electric as lightning.如觸電般強烈(味道)
5. As rich as a millionaire.如富豪般豐厚(味道)


btw我認為 as sweat as sugar並不能算,因為比喻的原則是不能用那東西本身來作為比喻的,chocolate本身是有sugar的,所以唔算。同樣例如as creamy as milk亦不能算。
2010-06-02 4:20 pm


2010-06-02 7:11 am
Ka Yan:
1) as sweet as honey.
2) as sweet as cane sugar.
3) as smooth as fresh cream.
4) as smooth as cocoa butter.
5) as smooth as milk.
6) as white as milk.
7) as aromatic as cocoa butter.
8) as aromatic as cocoa liquor.
9) as dark as black coffee.
10) as black as ebony.
11) as crunchy as biscuit.
12) as fragrant as rose.
13) as creamy as butter.
14) as a marriage between sweetness and bitterness.

2010-06-02 16:12:35 補充:
對不起, 14)應是' as tasty as a marriage between sweetness and bitterness. ' , 特此更正,
參考: nil, nil
2010-06-02 4:12 am
1. as various as sweets in terms of its shape

2. like a mixture of sugar, cocoa butter

3. as condensed as milk

4. is quite similar to other processing sweety food

5. as tasty as sweets

6. healthier than other oily snacks

7. melt too easily as an ice

8. as hard as a stone

9. as bitter as a balsam pear

10. as crunchy as potato chips

2010-06-02 4:04 am
as bitter as black coffee

as dark as my hair(唔知比喻咩)

as sweet as sagar


2010-06-02 18:12:41 補充:
as white as milk

as creamy as cream
2010-06-02 3:58 am
as dark as the night
as fast as cars
as tall as a building
as long as a river
as bright as sun
as cold as ice
as sweet as sugar
as ...

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