
2010-06-01 8:23 am
I am using an old Panasonic 37" Plasma TV. There is no HDMI input. Only Composite; S-Video and AV input are available. I think this TV is 720p output and no speaker. This is a pure panel. Want to ask if I buy a 機頂盒, am I able to watch 高清翡翠台? I read from some knowledge that we must have HDMI to connect to the 機頂盒 to watch 高清翡翠台. Of course I do not expect 1080p output as TV does not support buy since the content between 高清翡翠台 and 翡翠台 sometimes different. I want to watch 高清翡翠台 with the Plasma TV and not buying a new one. Thanks a lot in advance.

回答 (1)

2010-06-01 9:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
「we must have HDMI to connect to the 機頂盒 to watch 高清翡翠台」
錯。因為現時仍有很多人用舊CRT電視,或者舊LCD顯示屏(即係你),所以機頂盒都識得SCALE DOWN,轉成普通COMPOSITE/S﹣VIDEO等,當然呢個轉法係會放棄左少少畫質,但係只要個TIMING啱(scan rate/frame rate),你個PANEL絕對可以出晒全畫面的兩個高清台。
後記:HDMI只係在輸送畫面資料時全數碼,如係早期產品,反而可能在PANEL不懂SCALE DOWN而顯示不正常。(即係內置解碼沒有1920X1080呢個MODE)
註:我仲用緊個牛龜大電視+機頂盒,睇高清台好開心,(只係因4:3,睇唔晒左右,一係就LETTER BOX,上下都粗黑,丁屎咁大)

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