why physical education is important?

2010-06-01 3:16 am
why is physical education important daily,or in teenage years?

回答 (4)

2017-01-25 4:46 pm
No health=no life
2010-06-01 3:21 am
Physical education is important because obesity is a disease that an overwhelming number of people, including an alarming number of children, are suffering from. Physical education teaches young people skills and activities that can keep them healthy and in shape. It also educates them about sports and can spark a child/teen's interest in a particular sport that appeals to them. People can learn about their bodies in physical education and can learn important knowledge about what is necessary to maintain proper health.
2010-06-01 3:20 am
healthy body=healthy mind
2010-06-01 3:18 am
It keeps you fit, and gives you the exercise you need. You will also get sick less

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