[會考回憶錄]英文syl a 與b比較,有甚麼難度上的分別?

2010-06-01 3:47 am
本人只考過英文的syllbus b。任何人都知道英文會考有syl a 與b,a比b容易得多!但只是說a比b容易又好像不能說明,可否具體道出英文syl a 與b難度上有甚麼差別?


回答 (1)

2010-06-01 4:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
Syllabus A: easy vocabularies, simple sentence structures, direct questions
e.g.: answers can be easily-found when you do
multiple-choice questions.
If you fail to understand the passages, you need not to
be worried since you can guess some answers
which the questions asking for.

Syllabus B: varied sentence structures, rather difficult words, implicit
questions ,e.g.: you have to think twice or fully understand
the whole passage to answer some questions when doing
cloze passage as well as proof-reading.

2010-06-01 19:31:26 補充:
especially when doing cloze passage as well as proof-reading.
參考: my experience

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